GB3JB - 2m Analogue FM - RV63 - 145.7875 Mhz - 145.1875 Mhz - 103.5 hz ctcss.
GB7JB - 70cm DMR - DVU37 - 439.4625 Mhz - 430.4625 Mhz - Colour Code 1 - Slot 1 "Local" TG9 - Slot 2 "SW Cluster" TG950

SW DMR Cluster

Updated 12/08/2015

The South West Cluster is made up from, initially, 5 repeaters. All of which have their Slot 2 facility, interconnected, thus providing an overall combined coverage.

These being GB7AA, GB7BS, GB7DR, GB7SD and of course GB7JB.

With effect from the 1st September 2015, GB7CW, located Nr. Bridgend, will be joining the Cluster.

The computer prediction image below, shows the enhanced coverage.

GB7ED, in Exeter, has it's Nov, and those involved with the project, hope to have it operational in early October 2015.

The application for GB7KT, Nr. Tidworth, is currently being "vetted" by the ETCC.

As can be seen from the computer prediction image below, by the time that GB7ED and GB7KT become operational, the already significant potential for contacts, will be appreciably increased by the further enhanced coverage.

The table below shows the relevant information, relating to the individual repeaters.

As can be seen, the Cluster is accessible via Slot 2, using Talk Group 950.

Accessing any one of the repeaters, via Slot 2, will mean that you have the capability of working any station with access, also via Slot 2, to any one of the interconnected repeaters.

This page last updated: 12th August 2015 @ 1925 UTC.