GB3JB - 2m Analogue FM - RV63 - 145.7875 Mhz - 145.1875 Mhz - 103.5 hz ctcss.
GB7JB - 70cm DMR - DVU37 - 439.4625 Mhz - 430.4625 Mhz - Colour Code 1 - Slot 1 "Local" TG9 - Slot 2 "SW Cluster" TG950

To report interference to, or abuse of your station, contact Ofcom by Clicking Here. There is no guarantee to solve the issue and potentially a bill of £90+ per hour + VAT for their investigation !

Events & Rallies

"JB Repeaters" will be represented at the following:

April 2015
  • 1st  -  Talk / Presentation  -  DRM, SW Cluster & GB7JB  -  Taunton Amateur Radio Club.

May 2015
  • 6th  -  Talk / Presentation  -  DRM, SW Cluster & GB7JB  -  Exmouth ARC.

June 2015
  • 28th  -  Rally / Boot Sale  -  Frome.

July 2015

August 2015
  • 9th  -  Rally / Boot Sale  -  Wimborne Hamfest.

September 2015
  • 22nd  -  Talk / Presentation  -  Introduction to DRM & SW Cluster  -  Sidmouth ARS.


This page last updated: 20th August 2015 @ 1255 UTC.