GB3JB - 2m Analogue FM - RV63 - 145.7875 Mhz - 145.1875 Mhz - 103.5 hz ctcss.
GB7JB - 70cm DMR - DVU37 - 439.4625 Mhz - 430.4625 Mhz - Colour Code 1 - Slot 1 "Local" TG9 - Slot 2 "SW Cluster" TG950

To report interference to, or abuse of your station, contact Ofcom by Clicking Here. There is no guarantee to solve the issue and potentially a bill of £90+ per hour + VAT for their investigation !

Pics & Vids

Solar Installation - 07/03/2014


A time lapse video of the antenna being installed from the installers prospective can be seen at:

A video slide show of the following images can be found at:









Ready for the 7 tonnes of concrete ...

Chris and Chris, "delicately" aligning the tower into the correct orientation.

Chris G6WHI, making up the wooden frame to align / level the base in the hole.

Dave G0AYD, shifting the spoil .....

And Chris thought he had finished ...........  OOPS !

Frank G8PCB looking very pleased with the assembled base.

Original hole for the tower base, 1m x 1m x 1m, as per spec sheet - March 2013

The arrival of the tower - Sept 2012

Install of the 1st set of 250 AH batteries - For some reason people think I have a THING about petroleum jelly !!!!!!

Left to Right - Jon G0IUE, David G0AYD, Dave G3ZXX - trying to remove a DEAD turbine from it's support mast - Summer 2011 ?

Clem G3UGR, with the original 160 watt solar panel - 4th April 2008

Original antenna.

Original installation.  1 kW turbine and antenna - Nov 2007.

Dave G3ZXX with the late Clem G3UGR (right), without whose invaluable work GB3JB would not exist - Nov 2007.

Battery and equipment cabinet

Views of site from the air

This page last updated: 29th March 2015 @ 1700 UTC.